新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新疆地区利好政策不断 新疆本地股表现强劲

新疆地区利好政策不断 新疆本地股表现强劲

Xinjiang region is good policy Xinjiang local stocks performed strongly

2017-02-10 13:42:36来源: 新浪

新疆本地股表现强劲,截至发稿,新疆众和、立昂技术、北路新桥、天山股份、新天然气、新疆浩源6股涨停,青松建化涨逾8%,新疆城建涨近8%,西部建设涨近7%。 消息面上,日前召开的新疆维吾尔自治区交通运...

Xinjiang local shares strong performance, as of the time, xinjiang and, leone, north road, xinqiao technology, tianshan co, new gas, xinjiang grandsoo 6 shares harden, pine and JianHua rose more than 8%, xinjiang urban construction rose nearly 8%, the western building up nearly 7%. News, has held the xinjiang uygur autonomous region transportation...