新关注 > 信息聚合 > 马修斯:我们这个赛季一直在与伤病作斗争_NBA新闻


Mathews: we have been struggling with injuries this season, _NBA news.

2017-01-07 13:48:34来源: 华体网

体育1月7日讯 明天,小牛将在主场迎战老鹰,小牛的何塞-巴里亚有可能在本场比赛迎来复出。 “我们这个赛季一直都在与伤病作斗争,”小牛的韦斯利-马修斯说道,“我们如今已经习惯了人员不整的比赛,当巴里...

Sports January 7 News Tomorrow, the Mavericks will face the Hawks at home, Mavericks Jose - Barea may be in this game to usher in a comeback. "We've been struggling with injuries this season," said Mavericks'Wesley Matthews. "We're used to games with uneven players, when Barry...