新关注 > 信息聚合 > 极限爆发英雄 王者荣耀刺客荆轲玩法出装攻略

极限爆发英雄 王者荣耀刺客荆轲玩法出装攻略

Limit the outbreak of hero king of glory play assassin Jing Ke inside Raiders

2016-07-15 06:38:52来源: 新浪

早在很久以前,荆轲就以标准刺客的名声成为高手玩家的必备英雄之一。独具一格的爆发力是刺客之中的佼佼者。 英雄介绍 荆轲在《王者荣耀》中数基础属性物理攻击极高的一名刺客,与其他刺客不同,目前为止其他刺客都有一个主动位移的技能,而荆轲没有,唯一一个位移技能就是大招,并且是被动位移技能(只有...

As early as a long time ago, Jing Ke became one of the heroes of the top player of the world with the reputation of the standard assassin. Unique explosive power is the best among assassins. The hero of an assassin Jing Ke in the "king of glory" in the number of attributes based physical attack high, unlike other assassins, now other assassins have an active displacement skills, and Jing Ke not only, a displacement skill is the ultimate, and passive displacement skills (only...

标签: 王者荣耀