新关注 > 信息聚合 > 京东独家预约中文交互智能手表Ticwatch


Jingdong exclusive appointment of Chinese interactive smart watch Ticwatch

2015-07-02 11:24:47来源: IT168

2015年7月1日,京东正式宣布开启预约Ticwatch——国内首款中文语音交互智能手表。此前,在京东众筹上,Ticwatch已取得超过800万元的不俗成绩,汇聚万千期待。作为Ticwatch独家总代,京东将通过自身强有力的平台实力,为更多消费者带来这一惊喜产品。 预售链接:http...

2015 in July 1st, Jingdong officially announced the opening of the Ticwatch - the first Chinese speech interactive smart watch. Previously, the congregation raised in Jingdong, Ticwatch has achieved good results in more than 8000000 yuan, gathering thousands of expectations. As the exclusive Ticwatch generation, Jingdong will pass its own strong platform for more consumers to bring this surprise. Pre sale link: http...

标签: 京东