新关注 > 信息聚合 > 医疗美容成全球第三大产业,中国市场跃居全球第二,但仍然问题多多


Medical beauty into the world's third largest industry, the Chinese market as the world's second, but still a lot of problems

2018-03-06 13:45:00来源: 品途网

说起医疗美容,很容易让人认为这是一个受众局限,并不算规模很大的行业的行业。但就是这样一个行业,已经在本世纪成为仅次于汽车业与航空业的第三大产业。有资料称在中国医美行业的年增长率接近20%,市场规模目前已跃居于世界第二位。 中国的医疗美容行业近年来发展势头迅猛,代表企业有新氧,更美,悦美等,而且还不断有新玩家入场。医美连锁机构繁星轻医美2018年1月已经完成1000万元天使轮融资,而老玩家之中更美,悦美已经进行到C轮融资,新氧进行到了D轮融资。 同样的,在这种“膨胀式”的发展下,又不断爆出诸多黑历史。医美行业为何发展如此迅速?互联网时代下,又如何摆脱困局,破冰前行? 用户与行业的双向...

Speaking of medical hairdressing, it is easy to think that this is a limited audience, is not very large in the industry. But this is an industry, has in the century to become the second to the third industry and aviation industry. Have sources in China said the medical beauty industry annual growth rate of close to 20%, the size of the market has now become the world second place. China's cosmetic industry rapid development momentum in recent years, a new oxygen on behalf of the enterprise, more beautiful, yue mei, but also constantly have new players. The stars light beauty chain institutions beauty has completed 10 million yuan in January 2018 angel rounds of financing, and the old players more beautiful, beauty has been underway to C round of financing, new oxygen to D round of funding. Similarly, in the development of the "expansion", and out of black history. Why the medical beauty industry development so quickly? Under the age of the Internet, and how to get rid of the dilemma, to break the ice on? The customers and the industry two-way...