新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《死或生6》雷芳、瞳参展,新场景引入章鱼触手


"Death or life 6 LeiFang, show the pupil, introduced new scene octopus tentacles

2018-08-19 09:53:27来源: 游戏时光

《死或生6》新流出了一组截图,确认雷芳、瞳这两名角色都会在本作中登场。不过在这次截图显示的信息中,两名角色倒不是唯一关键信息。这次公布的战斗场景也很有意思。这是一艘破船,看着像海盗船,有可能还是幽灵船。搭配这个场景,游戏设计了章鱼的触手作为场景互动要素。美女、破船、触手,设计得真不错,让人想起赤井……不对,让人想起《加勒比海盗2》。《死或生6》此前已经公布的角色有霞、海莲娜等,有朋友觉得这作女性穿得太严实,乳摇也变得不明显了。这是个很好的变化,说明开发组在这些「无关紧要」的方面没太花心思,你看他们在场景设计上多花心思。(后面肯定会有不严实的服装 DLC 吧……)《死或生6》预定2019年发售,...

"Death or life 6" shed a set of new screenshots, confirm LeiFang, the two characters in this as the pupil. But in the screenshots show the information of two roles is not the only key information. Released the fight scenes are also very interesting. This is a wrecked ship, looking like a pirate ship, may yet be ghost ship. With this scenario, the game design the octopus tentacles as interactive elements of the scene. Beauty, harrowing, tentacles, the design is really good, let a person think of red well... No, let a person think of pirates of the Caribbean ". "Death or life 6" had already released the role of chardonnay, Helena, and so on, have a friend that for women to wear too weakly, milk shake, is not obvious. This is a great change, the development team in the "irrelevant" didn't much attention, you see they give some thought in the design of the scene. (there will definitely be back weakly clothing DLC...... ) "death or life 6" slated for release 2019,...