新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高颜值纤薄机身 OPPO R7今日报2499元

高颜值纤薄机身 OPPO R7今日报2499元

Gao Yan slim oppo R7 today news 2499 yuan

2015-06-15 05:49:12来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线手机频道行情报道)2015年6月15日,OPPO R7(行货)在上架“北京利仁同创商贸有限公司”报价2499元,该机配件为:充电器、耳机、数据线、说明书等,OPPO R7是一款配置有超薄...

(Zhongguancun Online mobile phone channel market reports) on 15 June 2015, oppo R7 (licensed) in the shelves "Beijing Liren Tongchuang Trading Co., Ltd." price of 2499 yuan, the machine parts for value: charger, headset, data cable, manual, oppo R7 is a thin...