新关注 > 信息聚合 > 佩工炮轰联盟刁难曼城 称席尔瓦将缺阵2-3周

佩工炮轰联盟刁难曼城 称席尔瓦将缺阵2-3周

Workers wear make things difficult shelling Union City, said Silva will be out for 2-3 weeks

2016-04-30 00:17:57来源: 华体网

4月29日讯 本周日,曼城将在客场挑战南安普敦,下周三则是与皇马的欧冠半决赛次回合大战,在赛前新闻发布会上,佩莱格里尼炮轰英超联盟不肯为曼城更改赛程。 曼城将在本周日英国时间下午4点半出战南安普敦...

April 29 hearing on Sunday, Manchester City will challenge Southampton away, next Wednesday is Real Madrid's Champions League semi-final second leg with the war, in the pre-match press conference, Pellegrini blasted the Premier League refused change the schedule for Manchester City. Manchester City will play Southampton on Sunday UK time 16:30 ...