新关注 > 信息聚合 > 豪车是违章王? 什么品牌车辆违章率最高?

豪车是违章王? 什么品牌车辆违章率最高?

Is the luxury car illegal? What brand vehicle has the highest violation rate?

2016-07-19 11:23:10来源: 人民网

什么品牌车辆违章率最高?什么车型违章次数最多?近日,典典养车的大数据平台对其数百万用户的车型信息,以及两年来近千万条的违章信息分析发现,豪车违章最多,普通私家车主开车最守规矩。 这个数据靠谱吗?...

What brand vehicle has the highest violation rate? What type of vehicle has the largest number of violations? Recently, a large data platform for pawning and maintaining cars found that millions of users'car type information, as well as nearly 10 million violations in the past two years, luxury cars violate the most, and ordinary private owners drive the most disciplined. Is this data reliable? ...