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《超级汉堡店3》手游 APP Store 限时免费中

"Super burger 3" mobile game APP Store time free

2015-08-13 10:09:02来源: TechWeb

携着在家乡的成功之势,大厨 Ronnie 将汉堡快餐连锁店拓展至 Tinsel 镇,在那里,他将遇到 Nikki 和 Clarence,并且会打乱邪恶的 Torg 先生的复仇计划。他在 Tinsel...

With success in hometown, chef Ronnie will burger fast food chains to expand to the Tinsel town, where he will meet Nikki and Clarence, and evil are disrupted by Mr Torg's revenge. He in the Tinsel...

标签: 手游 APP