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网络主播收入缩水 仅靠颜值不行了

Network anchor revenues shrink Not only by the appearance level

2017-03-13 00:00:00来源: 人民网

网络主播收入缩水,仅靠颜值不行了 数量飞速增长,消费渐趋理性 如何留住粉丝成主播和平台新课题 3月9日,长沙市湘江中路湖南影娱文化传媒有限公司,“网红”女孩在进行网络直播。记者 童迪 摄 “明显感觉人数少了,很多老粉丝来的频率低了,打赏消费也收敛了。”长沙直播网红“砒霜”说道。 2016年,网络直播规模一路高涨,平台数量近300家。 然而,2017年的直播市场似乎不再那么春风得意了,先是1月前后国家相关部门严查了“无证”及违规直播平台,高达9万个直播间被关闭,超过3万个主播账号被封禁;再到2月,倒闭和亏损等负面字眼缠绕在直播市场中,主播收入遭遇滑铁卢……政策与乱象背后,这预示着...

Network anchor shrinking revenue, only by the appearance level not quantity rapid growth, consumption become more rational How to keep fans into the host and platform new topics on March 9th, hunan changsha xiangjiang road movie entertainment culture media co., LTD., "web celebrity" girl in the live webcast. Reporter TongDi perturbation "obviously feel the number less, many old fan to the frequency of the low, exceptional consumption also convergence." Changsha live web celebrity "arsenic" said. In 2016, the live webcast scale high all the way, platform number nearly 300. Live market in 2017, however, seems less prosperous, the first 1 month before and after the national related department to hunt down the "undocumented" and illegal broadcast platform, up to 90000 studio was shut down, more than 30000; the host account can be banned To February, collapse and loss of winding in live in the market, some negative words such as anchor income of... Policy and chaos behind, heralding...

标签: 主播