新关注 > 信息聚合 > 8年来最惨!被吊打一战创詹皇新低 12中0心好累

8年来最惨!被吊打一战创詹皇新低 12中0心好累

The worst in 8 years! I was sworn in for a war, and I was very tired when I was 0.

2017-03-28 15:59:55来源: 新浪体育


On March 28, Beijing time, the Cavaliers lost 74-103 away to the Spurs, with 74 points the lowest single-game score since February 27, 2009. In February 27, 2009, the Cavaliers lost 74-93 to the rockets on the road. In that game, James threw 21 shots.