新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《花儿与少年》第二季即将开播 同名手游引关注

《花儿与少年》第二季即将开播 同名手游引关注

"Flowers and young" the second season is about to launch a Mobile Games attention

2015-04-20 11:54:50来源: 4399

湖南卫视《花儿与少年》第二季将于4月25日开播,与此同时备受关注《花儿与少年》官方手游也即将拉开帷幕,引发玩家对游戏上线时间、玩法、风格等内容的猜想。 ▍Q萌怪物 爆笑来袭 《花儿与少年》真人秀节目中,众明星卸下光环尽显率真、搞怪、幽默、风趣的可爱本性,而官方手游亦将延续这一风格,将...

Hunan TV "flowers and young" the second season will be launched in April 25th, at the same time concern "flowers and young" official Mobile Games also kicked off, causing the game player on-line time, play, style and so on conjecture. Man Q adorable comedy hit "monster" reality show flowers and youth program, the stars remove the aura of a frank, funny, humor, funny and lovely nature, while the official Mobile Games will continue this style, the...

标签: 手游