新关注 > 信息聚合 > 我国著名民法学家魏振瀛教授追思会举行


Into our country famous professor home Wei Zhenying memorial

2016-09-14 12:19:19来源: 法制网

魏振瀛,我国杰出的法学家和法学教育家,新时期中国民法学的主要开拓者和奠基人之一,北京大学法学院教授。2016年9月5日7点45分,因病医治无效,在北京大学第三医院辞世,享年82岁。 法制网讯 记...

Wei Zhenying, our country outstanding educator, jurists and law into China in the new period, one of the main pioneer and founder of Peking University law school professor. On September 5, 2016, 45 points at seven, and due to illness, died in Peking University third hospital, at the age of 82. Legal network - remember...