新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一位Twitch主播决定模仿“模拟人生”,让观众控制他的一举一动


A twitch anchor decided to imitate the "Sims" and let the audience control his every move

2021-08-24 18:58:48来源: 触乐

一位叫杰里米·埃尔伯森(Jeremy Elbertson)的Twitch主播决定让观众控制他的人生。几天前,他搞了一场模拟“模拟人生”游戏的直播秀,让自己成为场景中的主角,而观众可以像操控游戏中的角色一样操控他,让他去做什么,或者不做什么——理论上是这样。 杰里米是个老主播。他之前的直播内容大多是主机游戏。10年前,他就在YouTube上传自己玩《军团要塞2》和《GTA4》的视频了。除了这些射击游戏之外,杰里米还喜欢玩“模拟人生”,尤其是《模拟人生3》,但他不想局限在《模拟人生3》里,“我想突破媒体的界限”,杰里米在接受外媒采访时说。于是,一场真人“模拟人生”直播开始了。 这场直

One is Jeremy & amp; middot; Jeremy elbertson's Twitter anchor decided to let the audience control his life. A few days ago, he did a simulation & amp; ldquo; Sims & amp; rdquo; In the live show of the game, let yourself become the protagonist in the scene, and the audience can manipulate him like a character in the game, let him do or don't do & amp; mdash;& amp; mdash; In theory.

标签: 主播 Twitch