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甜美主播入驻暗黑之光 屌丝心花怒放

Sweet anchor in light of grass root be wild with joy

2015-04-27 12:25:21来源: 新浪

暗黑之光 CGWR 得分 CGWR:602 位 CGWR介绍 “媚眼含羞合,丹唇逐笑开。风卷葡萄带,日照石榴裙。”她温馨微笑,她撒娇卖萌充满这少女的气息,她一颦一笑都让人心动不已。她就是美女主播安小夏! 安小夏照片 甜美主播入驻暗黑之光 在此次《暗黑之光》终极内测,甜美...

light of CGWR score CGWR:602 CGWR introduced "flirtatious Mimosa, red lips by laughing. The wind vine with feet, sunshine." Her sweet smile, her pettish act loving girl full of the breath, her every twinkle and smile at the people Heartbeat. She is the beautiful woman anchor anxiaoxia! An Xiaoxia photo sweet anchor in light of the "dark light" the ultimate closed beta, sweet...

标签: 主播