新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中甲前瞻:人和欲终结贵州6连胜 权健死磕一方

中甲前瞻:人和欲终结贵州6连胜 权健死磕一方

Sense of perspective: and you would like to put an end to six wins in guizhou QuanJian screwing

2016-06-02 14:12:05来源: 新浪

人和主场迎战贵州智诚 新浪体育讯 本周末,中超联赛迎来短暂歇息,而中甲第12轮将继续燃起硝烟。8场激战在所难免。其中尤其以北京人和与贵州恒丰智诚之间的另类“贵州德比”惹人关注。这场强强对话的结果...

And at home against ZhiCheng in guizhou Dispatch of sina sports This weekend, have a short rest in the super league, and currently sit in 12 rounds will continue into the smoke. Eight games fighting is inevitable. Especially in Beijing and the alternative between guizhou hengfeng ZhiCheng "guizhou Derby" attention. The showdown between the results of the...