新关注 > 信息聚合 > 超600万余额大户注意:你的海外账户信息将被盯上


Balance of over 6 million large note: your account information will be targeted to overseas

2016-10-24 03:31:58来源: 搜狐

超600万余额大户注意:你的海外金融账户信息将被税务机关盯上 境外有投资、资产、置业、理财的企业和个人要注意了。 2016年10月14日,国家税务总局公布了《非居民金融账户涉税信息尽职调查管...

Balance of over 6 million large note: your overseas financial account information will be targeted by the tax authority of foreign investment, assets, real estate, finance companies and individuals should pay attention to. On October 14, 2016, the state administration of taxation announced the non-resident financial account tax-related information due diligence tube...