新关注 > 信息聚合 > 特雷沃-布克因生病将缺席今日与骑士比赛_NBA新闻


Trevor booker due to illness and knight game _NBA news will miss today

2017-01-28 11:51:29来源: 华体网

体育1月28日讯 布鲁克林篮网队今天将会前往客场挑战挑战克里夫兰骑士队。 据《纽约邮报》记者Brian Lewis报道,篮网前锋特雷沃-布克由于生病将会缺席今天的比赛。 本赛季至今,布克共出场4...

Sports January 28 - brooklyn nets today will go to challenge the Cleveland cavaliers. According to the New York post reporter Brian Lewis, the nets forward trevor booker due to illness will miss today. So far this season, the booker played four...