新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《飙酷车神2》评测:车手,没有极限


Violent wind cool god 2 review: driver, no limit

2018-07-03 13:30:00来源: 游戏时光

2013 年看到《飙酷车神》初代宣传片时,我彻底被 Ivory Tower 这个此前从来没听说过的工作室折服了:单个载具多种风格造型的设定,酷炫的任务模式,全美世界地图以及玩家实时在线组队的机制……当时的感觉大概就是:“赛车游戏竟然能这么酷!”当然后来的事情相信各位也都知道了:游戏的全程联网机制并没有发挥让玩家“Never Drive Alone”的本意,本质上需要刷刷刷的车辆定制系统让本作变得不伦不类 —— “这到底是个什么类型的游戏?MMORAC?”,极其不稳定的网络质量与糟糕的开车手感更是让初代收获大量差评。因此 2017 年 E3《飙酷车神2》的公布让我相当惊讶:初...

2013 saw a "violent wind cool god" in the early generation of publicity, I thoroughly by & have spent Ivory Tower  Impressed by the previously never heard of studio: modelling of setting a single vehicle a wide variety of styles, and cool task model, the map of the world and a team of players real-time online mechanism... The feeling is: "racing games it can be so cool!" Later, of course, believe you also know something: networking mechanism does not play in the whole process of the game for players to "Never Drive u.s" meant, essentially need to brush brush vehicle customization system let this become neither fish nor fowl - "this is a what kind of game? MMORAC?" , extremely unstable network quality and bad feeling is to let a car early generation of harvest a lot of bad review. So the E3 2017 release of the violent wind cool 2 god let me very surprised: early...