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电脑管家支持DNF加速 痛快拼杀无需等待

The support computer housekeeper DNF accelerated happy grappling with no need to wait for

2015-06-15 18:31:55来源: 电玩巴士

日前,腾讯电脑管家的游戏加速功能全新改版上线。为解决玩家网络速度痛点,针对加速需求旺盛的热门游戏,腾讯电脑管家采用全新升级的领先技术,以用户至上的设计理念,专门为游戏玩家们打造了一款简单实用、方便快捷的加速器,实在是居家游戏时的必备伴侣。 自更补丁:“原汤化原食” 完美支持腾讯系游戏...

recently, Tencent computer housekeeper game acceleration features new edition online. To solve the player network speed pain points, to boost demand for popular games, Tencent computer housekeeper by upgrading to a new leading technology, to the user is supreme design concept, specifically for gamers to create a simple and practical, convenient accelerator is really a home game when necessary companion. Since more patch: "soup of the original living" the perfect support system Tencent game...

标签: DNF