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PS4 Slim国行双十一上市 更多优惠活动开展

PS4 Slim legal channels double tenth one listed more preferential activities

2016-11-04 18:31:39来源: 新浪

双十一将近,我们即将迎来今年最大的购物狂欢日。各路商家拿出浑身解数,为消费者制造惊醒,索尼PlayStation也不例外。据悉,PlayStation将在11月11日推出多重优惠组合,持币等待已久的玩家们,现在是出手的好时机。小编现在为大家盘点PlayStation在线上平台的优惠。 ...

A nearly double tenth, we will soon celebrate this year's biggest shopping spree. Merchants to come up with all one's skill, for consumers to wake, SONY PlayStation is no exception. It is reported, PlayStation will launch in November 11 multiple favorable combination, cash's long-awaited players, now is a good time. Small make up now inventory PlayStation online platform for everyone. ...

标签: PS PS4