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DNF十大站街神器 血雾玫瑰人妖必备?

Ten Station Street artifact DNF blood fog rose hybrid necessary?

2015-04-20 16:11:59来源: 太平洋游戏网

DNF十大站街神器盘点,有些装备仅凭外观就能在玩家心中留下深刻的印象,比如血雾玫瑰战棍,比如月之光芒,曾经小编刷了几个月的深渊也只是为了一把月之光芒而已,不过现在的装备也有一些外形非常亮眼的装备,别云剑就是其中的翘楚,一起来看看玩家盘点的这些适合站街装X的装备吧! TOP10 初斗者...

DNF ten * * artifact inventory, some of the equipment only by its appearance can leave a deep impression on the hearts of game player, such as blood fog rose war club, such as light, once small brush for a few months. Just for a month of light only, but now some of the equipment the shape is very well equipped, don't cloud sword is one of the leaders, have a look the street game player inventory for X equipment! TOP10 early Doo...

标签: DNF