新关注 > 信息聚合 > "微星GAMING杯英雄联盟城市联赛"郑州站结束


"MSI GAMING Cup heroes Union City League" Zhengzhou Railway Station ended

2015-04-20 17:41:13来源: 中关村在线


organized by global card brand MSI "MSI GAMING Cup heroes Union City League" has officially start the tournament, the first stop - Henan Zhengzhou Railway Station game has ended in April 19, 2015. It is reported, this "MSI GAMING Cup heroes Union City League" Zhengzhou Railway Station, a total of more than 10 teams entered the war, and that "the landlord" LOL will be the scene of the event to explain. At the same time, the...

标签: 英雄联盟