新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《王者荣耀》概率奇低!花多少钱也抽不到英雄


Low probability, the king of glory! How much money take less than a hero

2017-05-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

要说最近非常火爆的手游,那么《王者荣耀》绝对可以说是第一名。不管你是身在何处,都能看见“组团开打”的人。玩儿过这个游戏的人都知道,要想拥有好的战绩,买英雄是一定的。人民币玩家一定是每款游戏中比较厉害的。 应国家有关法律规定,《王者荣耀》开发商公布了游戏内随机玩法中物品产出概率。需要注意的是,下面所用“概率”均是在大样本(大量用户)下的统计数值,与单个玩家的少量测试数据之间可能会存在一定差异。小编就曾经用将近10000个钻石才抽到了“韩信”这个英雄。“武则天”就更不必说了,估计没有个几千块人民币是抽不到的。 1、大乱斗英雄随机 每次在玩家可使用的英雄(包含玩家已拥有英雄、限免英雄、已...

Say mobile game is very popular recently, so the king of glory is absolutely can be said to be the first. No matter where you are, can see the open group. Playing the game knows that, if you want to have a good record, buy the hero is certain. The players must be better in every game. Shall, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant state laws, the king of glory developers released in-game random item output probability in the game. It is important to note that the following "probability" is used in large sample (a large number of users) under the numerical statistics, with a single player may exist a certain differences between a small amount of test data. Small make up, has nearly 10000 diamonds had to be used in "han xin" the hero. "Wu zetian" needless to say, estimates that no thousands of yuan is not to smoke. 1, the random ported hero Every time the player can use the hero (including players have hero, limit exemption hero, has...

标签: 王者荣耀