新关注 > 信息聚合 > 昼夜监护病人十多小时是他工作常态 患者追忆陈绍洋

昼夜监护病人十多小时是他工作常态 患者追忆陈绍洋

Day and night care patients 10 hours is his work normal patients recall at the end of silver

2015-06-29 13:53:13来源: 西部网

生命的最后,他还在指导学生。 在患者眼中,他是医术高明的生命守护神。 在同事和家人眼中,他是一个没有时间顾家的“工作狂”。 他叫陈绍洋,生前是第四军医大学西京医院的麻醉学专家,50年的短暂...

life, he is still guiding students. In the eyes of patients, he is the patron saint of life skill. In the eyes of colleagues and family, he is not a "workaholic family time". His name is Chen Shaoyang, who is the professor of Anesthesiology Xijing Hospital of The Fourth Military Medical University, 50 years short...