新关注 > 信息聚合 > 我国掌握高性能第二代高温超导带材核心生产技术


Core technology of high performance second generation HTS tapes in China

2016-11-06 02:07:13来源: 中国上海

“冒白烟”的小飞碟正稳稳悬浮在永磁体上方。 从暗物质粒子探测卫星、远征三号多星发射上面级,到全球首款量产互联网汽车、国内首台自主知识产权双臂协作机器人……作为我国最具影响力的国际工业品牌展,工博...

The small flying saucer with white smoke is firmly suspended above the permanent magnet. From the dark matter particle detection satellite, Expedition 3 multi-satellite launch upper stage, to the world's first mass production of Internet vehicles, the first domestic independent intellectual property rights of dual-arm cooperative robots... As the most influential international industrial brand exhibition in China,