新关注 > 信息聚合 > 专访OneAPM创始人何晓阳:APM将是开发者必备服务


He Xiaoyang, founder of the interview OneAPM: (APM) will be developers must service

2015-04-17 16:46:55来源: DoNews

编者按 “总编访谈”是InfoQ推出的一个高端访谈栏目,由总编辑崔康主持,致力于深入采访国外内顶尖技术力量,报道最前沿、最有深度的内容,分享干货和经验。 本期采访嘉宾是OneAPM创始人何晓...

editor InfoQ launched a high-end interview column under the editor in chief of the interview, presided over by the editor in chief of production, is committed to in-depth interviews with foreign leading technology strength, reported the most cutting-edge, the most depth of content, dry and experience sharing. This period is the interview with the founder of OneAPM...