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温网段莹莹爆冷挑落布沙尔 取大满贯正赛首胜

Wimbledon means Yingying upset tiaola Bouchard take Grand Slam race victory in the first

2015-07-01 01:01:42来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 北京时间7月1日(伦敦当地时间30日)消息。2015年温布尔登锦标赛进入了第二个比赛日。在一场女单首轮焦点战中,从资格赛突围的中国高妹段莹莹在首盘虽然一度浪费三个盘点,但最终还是以7-6...

sina sports news Beijing time on July 1 (London local time on the 30th) message. Wimbledon 2015 entered the second match day. In a women's singles first round focal point war, breakout from qualifying China Gao Mei means Yingying in 7:5 although once waste three inventory, but eventually 7-6...