新关注 > 信息聚合 > 南通锻压等3公司重组10月10日上会


Nantong forging press 3 companies such as restructuring meeting on October 10

2016-09-29 21:45:02来源: 新浪

证券时报网(www.stcn.com)09月29日讯 证监会上市公司并购重组审核委员会定于2016年10月10日上午9:00召开2016年第74次并购重组委工作会议,审核南通锻压设备股份有限公司、...

Securities times network (www.stcn.com) - September 29 - the securities and futures commission merger, acquisition and reorganization of listed companies audit committee is scheduled to be held at 9 a.m. on October 10, 2016, 74th committee of merger, acquisition and reorganization in 2016 working meeting, review the Nantong Metalforming Equipment Co., Ltd.,...