新关注 > 信息聚合 > 瓦尔迪妻子:十几岁时遭三年性侵 两次想自杀

瓦尔迪妻子:十几岁时遭三年性侵 两次想自杀

Val di wife: three years of sexual abuse as a teenager Want to commit suicide twice

2016-07-25 13:49:59来源: 新浪

贝姬 新浪体育讯 英超莱斯特城前锋杰米-瓦尔迪的妻子贝姬-瓦尔迪称,在年少时她曾遭到过性侵犯,为此两次试图自杀。 小时候的贝姬 “在十几岁时,我曾遭受了三年的性侵,那是一个家人的朋友,”3...

Becky sina sports - the leicester city striker Jimmy val di wife becky - val di said, in her youth met with sexual assault, twice tried to commit suicide. Childhood becky "as a teenager, I had suffered three years of sexual abuse, that is a family friend," 3...