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地铁换肤这么酷! 《FIFA Online 3》北京地铁广告..

The skin is so cool! "FIFA Online 3" Beijing subway advertising..

2015-04-14 11:20:49来源: 电玩巴士

4月13日,北京朝阳门地铁站惊呆市民,从进站口到旅客通道,再到专线列车外观及内部,各类国安与巴萨等世界豪门对战的宣传海报布满了整个地铁站,引发围观。虽然有人提到并没有国安与巴萨的赛事,但很快就有玩家发现,这是腾讯游戏旗下《FIFA Online 3》为国安球迷打造的专属列车。《FIFA ...

4 month 13 days, Beijing Chaoyangmen subway station pit mouth at the public, from the passenger channel, and then to the exterior and interior line train, all kinds of security and other giants Barcelona World War Xuan Chuanhai covered the entire subway station, causing onlookers. Although some people mentioned and not the National Security Council and the Barcelona Games, but soon found it was Tencent game player, game's "FIFA Online 3" for fans to create exclusive train. "FIFA...