新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第六届中国环保之星总决赛暨颁奖晚会


The sixth China green star of the NBA finals and awards

2016-12-28 13:51:58来源: 新浪

地球 唯一村庄全国大型环保公益活动-第六届中国环保之星选拔赛全国总决赛于2016年12月24日在金博国都大剧院举行。活动是由中华人民共和国文化部备案,联合国环境规划署、联合国低碳环保生态文明基金会指...

The only village earth the national environmental protection commonweal activities - the sixth China green star trials on December 24, 2016 in the national finals kimball countries coliseum. Activity is by the People's Republic of China ministry of culture for the record, the United Nations environment programme (unep), the UN low carbon environmental protection foundation refers to the ecological civilization...