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梅西替身:中超曾报价5000万买我 被巴萨拒绝

Messi avatars: CSL has declined to 50 million bid to buy I was Barcelona

2016-10-10 01:26:36来源: 华体网

在梅西受伤后,图兰出现在了首发位置 腾 体育10月9日 最近几个赛季,中超足球市场空前的繁荣,许多资本大鳄都为足球投入巨资,到中超效力的球员与主帅的名气与身价也是与日俱增。近日,巴萨中场大将...

Injury in Lionel messi, turan appears in the starting position Sports on October 9th In recent seasons, the Chinese super league football market of unprecedented prosperity, many capital giants have invested heavily over football, or Chinese super effective players and coach's fame and social status is also growing. Recently, the Barcelona midfielder...