新关注 > 信息聚合 > 支付最高可减1212元 苏宁金融开启“双十二”狂欢盛宴

支付最高可减1212元 苏宁金融开启“双十二”狂欢盛宴

Pay up to 1212 yuan Suning financial open "12-12" party

2017-12-04 19:57:34来源: DoNews

今年双十一期间,联手百家银行、千家品牌共同打造了一场“超级支付日”,苏宁金融共计让利2亿元,助力消费升级的同时业绩全面暴涨。12月1日,为了助攻消费者在年底轻松剁手、放肆嗨购,苏宁金融启动了一场以“跨越无限 任性玩赚”为主题的年底狂欢盛宴,支付立减、红包雨、免息券、免单券等各种活动将轮番上演,持续为亿万用户送上多重优惠和福利。双十二,支付优惠力度将再度空前。苏宁金融将结合苏宁易购的促销活动,为新老用户提供“折上折”以及随机立减等优惠活动,让利消费者。据了解,易购平台新老用户使用苏宁支付的银行快捷支付可享最高立减499的优惠;而使用苏宁金融PC端扫码支付,更可享最高随机立减1212元的超值惊喜。...

Double tenth time this year, together with hundreds and thousands of brand has created a "super pay day", suning financial total benefit of 200 million yuan, power consumption upgrade and higher comprehensive performance. On December 1, in order to assist consumers easily cut, unbridled hi buy hand at the end of the year, suning financial launched a "cross is infinite Capricious play make "as the theme of the party to the end of the year, pay can knock coupon, free of charge, red rain, interest-free activities such as will take turns, continued for hundreds of millions of users to multiple benefits and welfare. 12-12, pay breaks will be unprecedented. Suning financial will combine Su Ningyi purchase promotion, to provide new and old users "fold on the fold" and favorable activities, such as random set reduction benefits consumers. Learned, tesco platform of old and new users to use su ning to pay bank quick pay can enjoy the highest set minus 499 discount; With suning financial PC scan code to pay, but also enjoy the highest random knock $1212 value of surprise. ...