新关注 > 信息聚合 > 冬季,准妈妈最好别用“暖宝宝”!


Winter, the best mother is best not to use warm baby"!

2015-12-13 17:43:31来源: 搜狐

天寒地冻,暖宝宝成了不少年轻女性的御寒工具。不过,产科专家提醒说,孕妇应避免使用暖宝宝,防止增加胎儿发育异常、畸形、流产的几率。另外,有些市民贪图温暖,将暖宝宝直接贴在皮肤上,很可能引发低温烫伤。 ...

very cold, warm baby become a lot of young women cold tools. However, obstetrics experts warned that pregnant women should avoid the use of warm baby, to prevent the increase in fetal growth abnormalities, malformations, and the probability of miscarriage. In addition, some of the public for the sake of warmth, the baby will be directly attached to the skin, it is likely to trigger a low temperature burn. ...