新关注 > 信息聚合 > 南京高考首日平安顺利度过 29个考点秩序良好

南京高考首日平安顺利度过 29个考点秩序良好

Nanjing university entrance exam on peace through 29 examination site in good order

2016-06-07 17:20:50来源: 人民网江苏视窗

南京市教育局局长吴晓茅、副局长张生通过网上巡查系统,实时查看各区考点考前工作,大屏幕上不断切换的画面显示出各区、各考点的保密室、考务室及考场的画面。 南京市教育考试指挥中心的大屏幕上可以同时看到...

Nanjing education bureau of Wu Xiaomao rose and deputy director zhang through online search system, real-time view district centre before work, constantly switching on a big screen images show a district, each examination site confidential room, examination room and the examination room. Education examination of nanjing command center of the screen can see at the same time...