新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第三方卖家眼中的亚马逊:是帮手也是拦路虎


Third party sellers in the eyes of the Amazon: is the helper is stumbling block

2015-01-15 11:38:20来源: TechWeb

搜狐IT消息 1月15日消息,据《华尔街日报》报道,很多亚马逊上的中小第三方卖家发现,亚马逊平台是把双刃剑,虽然可以帮助它们扩大销量,但高额的佣金以及亚马逊本身都成了它们的发展阻碍。 一些小企业主开始面对现实,亚马逊不仅仅是合作伙伴,也是竞争对手。 坐落于美国密歇根州特拉弗斯城的S...

Sohu IT news January 15th news, according to "the Wall Street journal" reported, many small and medium-sized third party sellers on Amazon found, Amazon's platform is a double-edged sword, although can help them expand sales, but high commissions and Amazon itself has become an obstacle to the development of their. Some small business owners began to face the reality, the Amazon is not only partners, as well as a competitor. Michigan is located in Traverse City USA S...