新关注 > 信息聚合 > 只为NBA最后5分钟付费?抱歉,我们OTT就是这么为所欲为


Pay only for the NBA final 5 minutes? Sorry, our OTT is so do whatever you want

2018-04-08 14:41:00来源: 品途网


OTT is what? OTT and sports how to affect each other? New era, the tide will flow to where? Serious finish see this depth article, believe that you will have an answer. OTT, but what is that? "Game in the final 5 minutes, the warriors and knight within 102 ping. There may be some friend just open the live, let me introduce you to the two sides on the team... "... Wait, the last 5 minutes, just open the live? Yes, you heard me, in the world of OTT sports broadcast, users will have more choice, Sheldon silver made it clear: "the future, those who just want to watch the game last time fans, can spend a certain amount of fees to the last 5 minutes, rather than to spend two hours." In today's era of fragmentation, mobile, I'm afraid such model means what, don't we say more...