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WeChat change challenge balance treasure? The one-sided! Is the industry out of the question

2017-09-06 08:40:23来源: DoNews


Text/Xue Hongyan recently, media reports, WeChat is inside a called via "change" in the current financial products, and money on other products, the change will have to pay function, can be used to transfer within WeChat, send a red envelope, also a credit card, etc., and the balance of pay treasure to pay treasure, suning change treasure and function orientation. Look, which has the function of payment have already current wealth management products, micro letter to pay this update is not lead, but rather to have written. However, considering the WeChat is a super APP has nearly 1 billion users, a small update any update even if it is out of date, there is a significant impact, so change pass. Not surprisingly, the change of online payment will strengthen the micro letter of user experience, further enhance its competitive advantage, for other bidders for the product, will no doubt bring certain customer shunt effect. For the author, a "outdated" analysis of the product is not much value, really worth big...