新关注 > 信息聚合 > 丁波将网易运营实体股份都转让给哥哥丁磊


Ding Bo will NetEase operating entity shares are transferred to his brother Ding Lei

2015-05-04 16:51:09来源: 新浪

丁磊 【TechWeb报道】5月4日消息,丁磊弟弟丁波因“个人原因”将其名下持有的网易两个中国运营实体公司的股权都“还给了”哥哥丁磊。 网易最新提交的2014年年度报告文件20-F(以下简称20-F文件)显示,在2014年5月份,丁波将“广州网易公司”10%股权转给了丁磊和网易游...

[TechWeb] Ding Lei Sina reported on May 4th news, Ding Lei brother Ding Boyin "personal reasons" will be held in the name of NetEase two Chinese operating entity of the corporation's shares are "back to" brother Ding Lei. The latest NetEase submitted 2014 annual report (hereinafter referred to as the 20-F file 20-F file), in 2014 May, Ding Bo will "Guangzhou NetEase company" 10% stake to NetEase and Ding Lei tour...

标签: 网易