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520 new clothing brand "drunken free and unfettered" may sound

2016-05-23 10:39:00来源: 爱拍游戏

520从原来的一个平平淡淡的日子,不知道怎么了被有心人一包装竟然变成了又一个“七夕节”。这些情侣真的是对于虐狗的热衷程度年年剧增!也不是很懂你们这些情侣怎么想的,恩爱是两个人甜蜜的事情,为什么要来伤害我们这些“单身狗”?你们的爱心呢? 出去约个会,拍合照拍美食。出去旅个游,拉着双手,互...

520 from the original a flatly light day, and I don't know how to be you a packaging should become another "Tanabata festival". These couples are really enthusiasm for abuse degree increased year by year. Don't really understand how these couples you think, love is two people sweet things, why to harm us these dog "single"? Do you love? Go out to date, photo session take food. Out to tour a swim, pulling his hands, each other...