新关注 > 信息聚合 > 特战英雄波斯小镇教程第二弹


Special war hero Persian town tutorial second bombs

2016-06-12 12:51:55来源: 7k7k小游戏

在特战英雄生化逃脱模式中,波斯小镇地图大家再熟悉不过了!复杂地形中生死追赶的紧张刺激,上不留神就可能命丧黄泉~惊喜又紧张有没有?那么特战英雄波斯小镇地图有什么秘籍呢?下面小编就来分享给你。 大家在...

In the special battle hero bio escape mode, the map of Persian town is familiar to everyone! If you don't pay attention to the tense stimulation of pursuing death in complex terrain, you may lose your life in Huangquan. Are you surprised and nervous? So what is the secret map of the special battle hero Persia town map? Let's share with you Xiaobian. Everybody is in...