新关注 > 信息聚合 > 何黎:育人德为先,身教胜言传


He Li: education, first, teaching without words

2016-09-18 17:33:49来源: 中工网

何黎近照。资料照片 在北京驻地见到昆明医科大学教授何黎时,她正行色匆匆。就在赴京参加“全国教书育人楷模”颁奖仪式的几天里,她不知给昆明“家里”打了多少个电话,危重病人如何抢救、紧急会诊关键在哪、...

He Li photo. File photo see kunming medical university professor He Li based in Beijing, as she was in a hurry. Went to Beijing to participate in the "national teaching model" ceremony a few days, she did not know how many to call "home" in kunming, where is the key to critically ill patients how to rescue, emergency consultation,...