新关注 > 信息聚合 > 女星包租婆造型:章子怡最酷 阿娇摄人心魂

女星包租婆造型:章子怡最酷 阿娇摄人心魂

Actress to spot style: zhang ziyi's coolest ejiao, beautiful

2016-10-01 17:24:05来源: 光明网

在周星驰的电影《功夫》中有这样一个顶着满头卷发棒的包租婆的角色,已经播出就成为经典形象。娄艺潇这包租婆扮相绝对算得上良心模仿,点上痣不说还口刁香烟,表情更是霸气侧漏,简直是在用生命模仿。 这张照...

In Stephen chow's movie "kung fu," there is a crest with the curling iron to spot the role of broadcast has become the classic image. Loura this spot look absolutely is the conscience to imitate, dot mole not retaliate diao cigarettes, expression is domineering sliding sideways, it is to copy with life. This picture...