新关注 > 信息聚合 > 盛夏亲子“跑动”活动来袭 引爆金银湖畔社区

盛夏亲子“跑动”活动来袭 引爆金银湖畔社区

Mother-child "running" activities in midsummer triggered the blowout of Jinyin Lake community

2016-07-18 18:47:43来源: 荆楚网

“跑动一夏”活动现场异常火爆 荆楚网消息 (通讯员 谭华东)7月16日在万科高尔夫城市花园举办的“跑动一夏”社区亲子活动顺利开跑,活动吸引了武汉市近20个家庭与近百名网友参与,现场上演了各种亲子...

"Running Summer" activity site is extremely popular Jingchu net news (correspondent Tan Huadong) July 16 in Vanke Golf City Garden held "Running Summer" community parent-child activities run smoothly, attracting nearly 20 families and nearly 100 netizens in Wuhan City to participate in the activity, the scene staged a variety of parents and children ("Running Summer").