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Against the sky! World Warcraft's Domestic Race of 700 million: Overall

2016-06-11 07:08:24来源: 中关村在线

你去影院书写自己的十年魔兽情怀了吗?根据《魔兽》官方公布的数据,该片票房已经突破7亿。 据悉,这部游戏改编大片已连续2天保持超12万场的排片规模,上座率超40%,票房占比80%以上。虽然在首日票房...

Did you go to the cinema to write about your 10-year Warcraft feelings? According to official figures released by World of Warcraft, the box office has exceeded 700 million. It is reported that the game adapted blockbuster has maintained a row size of more than 120,000 movies for two consecutive days, with attendance rate exceeding 40% and box office share of more than 80%. Although at the box office on the first day...