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一起探索月球 《守望先锋》新地图地平线月球基地

Together to explore the moon the watchman pioneer new map moon base the horizon

2017-06-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

还记得《守望先锋》开场动画中,博士牵着年幼时温斯顿的手望向地球吗?在《守望先锋》全新地图“地平线”月球基地里,我们将一起前往温斯顿成长的地方。在月球上感受非同一般的战斗,还有更多有趣的彩蛋等待着你的发掘。 月球基地曾经是一所研究基地,科学家们在这里把猩猩当做研究对象,而最终这些猩猩占领了“地平线”月球基地。我们将回到这片已经满目苍夷的研究所,了解更多发生在这里的事情。 月球基地中,虽然90%都是室内场景,但丰富的空间和细节绝对不会让你感觉到丝毫的单调,在这里你能探索观测台,植物园等等科研设施,还包括了温斯顿的“幼儿园”。从月球看地球是什么样的体验?温斯顿上课和训练的地...

& have spent Remember the watchman pioneer intro, Dr Holding when young Winston's hand to the earth? In the new map "horizon" watchman pioneer, base on the moon, we will to Winston grew up together. Feeling extraordinary battle on the moon, there are more interesting eggs waiting for you to discover. Base on the moon was a research base, the scientists here the chimpanzees as the research object, and they eventually took the "horizon" moon base. We will go back to have themselves at yi institute, learn more things here. Base on the moon, while 90% are indoor scene, but rich in space and the detail is absolutely won't let you feel a bit monotonous, here you can explore the observatory, botanical garden and so on scientific research facilities, include the "kindergarten" Winston. See the earth from the moon is what kind of experience? Winston and training in the class...

标签: 守望先锋