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王者荣耀元歌技能复杂 连招技能出装介绍

King glory song yuan skills complex LianZhao skills out loading is introduced

2018-07-05 00:00:00来源: 人民网

王者荣耀新英雄元歌技能很复杂?小编今儿带来新英雄的玩法介绍,包括元歌铭文搭配及出装攻略。 元歌的定位是刺客英雄,可以在傀儡和本体之间切换本体状态有不错的消耗和收割能力,傀儡状态下有很强的控制效果。元歌可以利用傀儡深入敌方禁地骚扰,利用傀儡来保障本体的安全。元歌可以本体和傀儡快速刷野,本身有不错的机动性,可以快速支援三路,并且兼具消耗能力和多段位移。 技能介绍 被动技能——秘术·操控 元歌可操作傀儡,傀儡受到本体部分属性加成,傀儡被击杀时,元歌被眩晕并暴露视野,一段时间内禁止使用傀儡,傀儡恢复本体时清除控制效果并获得加速和护盾。 一技能-秘术·影 秘术·归 ...

King glory new hero song yuan skills very complicated? Small make up today with a new hero of the play is introduced, including the collocation of song yuan inscriptions and the strategy. Yuan songs positioning is the assassin hero, can switch between the puppet and ontology ontology state has a good ability of consumption and harvest puppet state has a strong control effect. Song yuan can use puppet penetrate enemy territory harassment, use puppets to insure the safety of ontology. Song yuan can ontology and puppet quick brush, itself has good mobility, can quickly support three road, and consumption capacity and displacement. Skills to introduce passive skill -- -- hermetic manipulation of the yuan song operational puppet, puppet is ontology of bonuses, the puppet was struck, song yuan dazed and exposure field of vision, a period of time banning the use of the puppet, puppet restoring ontology to remove the control effect and acceleration and shield. A skills - hermetic photo & have spent Hermetic, return & have spent ...

标签: 王者荣耀