新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《守望先锋2》新情报将于9月26日公布 表演赛同时举行

《守望先锋2》新情报将于9月26日公布 表演赛同时举行

The new information of "watch pioneer 2" will be announced on September 26, and the performance competition will be held at the same time

2021-09-17 12:47:20来源: 游戏时光

《守望先锋》官方今日(9 月 17 日)凌晨宣布,有关于《守望先锋 2》的新情报将于北京时间 9 月 26 日的 OWL 总决赛上公布。视频地址此次公开的新情报包括重做后的两名英雄「堡垒」和「黑影」。此外官方将全面解析「堡垒」的新外观,阐述相关设计理念,届时还会有一场由职业选手献上的《守望先锋 2》表演赛。《守望先锋 2》目前确认登陆 PS4 / Xbox One / PC / Switch 平台,发售日未定。来源:Twitter

The official of "watch pioneer" announced early this morning (September 17) that new information about "watch pioneer 2" will be announced at the owl finals on September 26, Beijing time. The new information released this time includes the redone two heroes "fortress" and "shadow". In addition, the official will fully analyze the new appearance of the "fortress" and explain the relevant design concepts. At that time, there will be a performance competition of "watch pioneer 2" presented by professional players. "Watch pioneer 2" is currently confirmed to log in to PS4 / Xbox one / PC / switch platform, and the release date has not been determined. Source: Twitter

标签: 守望先锋